I am a Machine Learning Engineer, a math major, and a dyslexic. I have been writing code for a really long time now (on and off). I initially started with MATLAB and C++, using them to explore mathematical concepts in numerical analysis and optimizations, playfully plotting fractals like the Julia and Mandelbrot sets and as writing code for some commonly used mathematical methods and algorithms to aid in my coursework. At some point, I write some complicated MATLAB code to perform gaussian elimination, finite difference method, simpson's 1/3 and 3/8 rules of numerical integration and a partial implementation of the simplex method, among others.

Then I learnt python everything changed. I writing code to solve problems grounded in the real world and levearaging AI. I tried a lot of things, some worked, others didn't. Here are some of them: a custom resume generator levearaging LLMs to generate tailored resumes based on job descriptions , an app that help's its users improve mental math calculcations, a simple web app that extracts useful insights from whatsapp conversations, an RL agent to play chess using LLM (didnt work), an RL agent to play snake and breakout.

Beyond software and AI, I like to go back to my roots in math and solve some basic problems, explore some popular problems and read interesting materials on diverse math topics. I have great interest in complex analysis as well as abstract algebra. I also enjoy reading on theoritical computer science and number theory. While I have a keen interest in resaerch, the right path to take remains a blur to me.

In my leisure time, I play chess, contribute on wikipedia, try to solve problems on codewars in C++ and python without using external libaries, play video games(mainly football manager), and support Manchester United.

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