Chrome CoPilot

a co-pilot extension built with the chrome extensions api.

I discovered the chrome extensions api on a different project and thought it would be a nice idea to build this with it.

github repo

WhatsApp Bot

the bot that can.

In what started as a project to connect a language model (gemini-pro) to whatsapp, I built this...
A whatsapp template for a bot that can be connected to various Large Language Models and can be used for various purposes.

github repo

Resume Generator

generate tailored resumes on the fly

Add GPT3.5 turbo to a flask app, a well crafted prompt to generate custom resumes and UI for users to post their desired job description and you get this diabolical resume generator.

github repo

Mental Math

how fast can you solve 20 math questions

Just a simple game to test how fast you can solve 20 math questions in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

github repo

Snake Game Agent with Q-Learning

a reinforcement learning agent trained to play Snake

I created a snake game with pygame and trained a Deep Q-Learning agent to play it. Used stable-baselines3 and gymnasium extensively for this project

notebook link

Atari Breakout: Deep Reinforcement Learning

implemented in "ATARI paper" on breakout with pytorch

Ran into memory issues while working on this. Definitely not my best work.

notebook link

Chess GPT

GPT2 finetuned with 6 million games

I had bigger plans for this model but I ran out of compute resources. Hosted on streamlit.

open on streamlit

WhatsApp Chat Analyzer

Analyse your whatsapp conversations and draw insights

Bar Charts, Word Clouds, and a lot of other visualizations.

open on streamlit

Number Classifier

classify written numbers 0-9

Old project I work on but still have to include it.

open on streamlit

Euler Lagrange
